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【UX in the Jungle】Mini Edition 桌遊教具

【UX in the Jungle】是一款設計用來瞭解UX工作及軟體產品開發流程的桌遊教具。玩家就算沒有相關背景,一樣可以在思考策略、勾心鬥角、人算不如天算中完整體驗產品開發的酸甜苦辣!


【UX in the Jungle】自2016 年9月於新加坡 UXSG 研討會首度亮相後,便陸續受邀於研討會、社群及企業舉辦工作坊課程、演講等活動,廣受各界人士好評。現正銷售的 Mini Edition(迷你版),完整模擬軟體產品開發過程,且尺寸小、重量輕,方便攜帶與收藏,最適合買回家與朋友同樂!

   遊戲人數:2 – 6位玩家
   標準遊戲時間:45 – 60分鐘(不含閱讀規則時間)
   外盒尺寸:19 x 36 x 9 cm (長 x 寬 x 高)
   每盒重量:1.4 公斤




3 張遊戲圖板 (75 x 31 cm x 1張, 75 x 15.5 cm x 2張)
1 本叢林月曆
6 枚玩家代表物
6 張玩家幫助卡
175 張卡牌 (4.2 x 6.4 cm)
8 個卡牌架
2 個開發標記袋
44 顆開發標記
1 本英文規則書
10 張記分表
1 張快速設置指南


1. 新品遇有配件缺損時,請於購買後七天內聯絡我們,以便儘快將缺損的配件補寄給您。
2. 桌遊配件均為消耗品,購買超過七天鑑賞期後,恕不接受退換。
3. 配件若有遺失或損壞,恕無法提供加價購買的服務。
4. 其他常見問題請見產品臉書專頁
5. 每週五中午12:00 前完成繳費的訂單,將統一於次週週一出貨 (遇假日則順延)。
6. 目前僅出貨至台灣國內的地址,恕不接受海外訂單。


The [UX in the Jungle] Game System teaches how to create apps and the roles of different UX job functions in that process. Through strategic planning and fierce competition, anyone can experience all the ups and downs of software development!

  Age: 15+
  Players: 2 – 6 players
  Playing Time: 45 – 60 minutes
  Dimensions: 19 x 36 x 9cm (Length x Width x Height)
  Weight: 1.4 kg
  Language: English

[Game Overview]

Seeking new opportunities in the mobile games market, two software companies, the Bear Group and Deer Group, decide to start small business units to test the waters. As a member of the UX design team for one of them, you must help your company earn the most revenue by launching mobile games that satisfy user needs in an evolving marketplace.

How will you survive the jungle?

[Game Components]
3 Boards (75 x 31 cm x 1 piece, 75 x 15.5 cm x 2 pieces)
1 Jungle Calendar
6 Role Pieces
6 Player Assistance Cards
175 Cards (4.2 x 6.4 cm)
8 Card Stands
2 Token Bags
44 Development Tokens
1 English Rulebook
10 Scoring Sheets
1 Quick Setup Guide


1. Please report any defective or missing game components within 7 days of receiving your purchase to get replacements as soon as possible.
2. We cannot accept any returns or replace any components more than 7 days after the delivery date.
3. We do not sell individual replacement components.
4. For other frequently asked questions, please refer to our Facebook page.
5. Orders placed before noon on Fridays will ship on Monday of the following week.
6. We ship only to addresses in Taiwan.
訂閱 趨勢教育基金會


營業人名稱:財團法人趨勢教育基金會 統一編號:18032911

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